LC Quick Reference
Yearly Pride Events
All Pride events must take place between August 1, and October 31 each year, unless the Board of Coordinators has granted a waiver. Given the greatly extended date range that now accommodates all region's weather concerns, waivers are granted only for extraordinary circumstances.
Mailing lists
PPP, Inc runs five mailing lists.
An internal, restricted-membership list for Local Coordinators, Regional Coordinators, and board members only. LCs are REQUIRED to be on it, and to receive mail in either regular or digest format. The Membership Coordinator does regular checks to insure all LCs are at least on the 'Daily Digest' setting for this list on Yahoo! Groups, and will change your setting if necessary.
Regional Lists
Each Region should have its own regional list; LCs are strongly recommended, and might be required depending on the region, to be on them to avoid date bumps.
Open to the general pagan populace and for recruiting and discussion; LCs are encouraged, but not required, to be on it.
For press releases only and serves as our online press archive; LCs are required to be on it, but it's very low traffic, and all press releases for Pride and Pride-related events should be cc'ed to it.
For the Board of Coordinators to discuss policy.
Board of Coordinators
PPP, Inc is guided by a Board of Coordinators made up as follows:
Executive Director
Membership Coordinator and National Vice President
Regional Coordinators
Members At Large
Current members are listed in our Who's Who page.
Monthly Reports
Reports are generally due monthly from January of the current year until the month your event occurs. Reports must be submitted online at by the first of each month. Even if you have nothing new to report, send a report anyway; this is our way of making sure we haven't 'lost' an event. LC's who do not file a monthly report by the sixth day of the month will be receiving phone calls from their Regional Coordinator.
**If you miss two monthly reports in a row, your event may be unlisted from our website and your community declared open for application.**
Reports help us to help you if you have questions or issues.
West Region -- HI, CA, AK, OR, WA, AZ, NV
Mid-South Region -- NM, TX, MO, AR, LA, MS, KS, OK
Upper Midwest Region -- SD, ND, MN, IA, WI, IL
Upper Plains Region -- MT, WY, NE, UT, CO, ID
Ohio Valley Region -- MI, OH, IN, KY, TN
South Region -- AL, FL, GA, SC, NC, VA
Mid-Atlantic Region -- DC, WV, MD, DE, PA, NY, NJ
New England Region -- MA, CT, RI, VT, NH, ME
Western Canada -- BC, AB, MB, SK, NU
Eastern Canada -- ON, QU, PEI, NF
Northern and Western Europe -- England, Wales, Scotland, Ireland, France, Denmark, Belgium, Holland, Norway, Finland, and Sweden
Central and Southern Europe -- Germany, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Switzerland, Italy, Slovakia, Czech Republic, Spain, and Portugal
Oceania -- Australia and New Zealand
Latin America -- Mexico, Central and South America, Caribbean islands
Asia/South Pacific -- Asia and South Pacific Islands
Final Event Reports
Within 2 weeks after your event you are expected to file a FINAL EVENT REPORT via our online web form at
Financial Reports
For US events are due every Jan 31 of the year following your event. (Example: your event is Oct 31 2010 then your financial report will be due on Jan 31 2011). There is no online form for this. You can file your financial report using Microsoft Word, Excel or Google documents or a similar compatible reporting method (pdf files acceptable). Send your financial report to your regional coordinator, Brian and Carla. You will also need to forward copies of all bank statements for the year and receipts for items purchased for your event.
Event Profile
Local coordinators are expected to keep PPP, Inc. up to date with location, dates, website links and general contact information for their events. You can update this information using this online form at You should update this information in January every year, then keep it up to date as information changes.
Personal Profile
Local coordinators are expected to keep PPP, Inc. up to date with their most current email address, name, home addresses and phone numbers. You can update this information using this online form at You should update this information in January every year, then keep it up to date as information changes.
More information for local coordinators can be found at